The following guidelines are intended to provide assistance to visitors.


Do you need larger or smaller text?

You can change your text settings through your browser options: in Internet Explorer, go to View > Text size and select your desired text size setting (e.g. larger, smaller); in Netscape browsers go to View>Text size. Select a larger or smaller percentage or click on 'larger' (or smaller) to go one size up or down.


Do you need to change your computer screen settings?

To change the size of the image shown on your screen on a PC running the Windows 95 and upwards operating system, go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display > Settings and change the desktop area by using the sliding bar.

On an Apple Macintosh computer, you can use the Monitor & Sound Control Panel to change the resolution.


Do you have difficulty using your keyboard or mouse?

To fine-tune mouse or keyboard settings in Windows 95/98/NT/2000 or XP go to Start>Settings>Control Panel>Accessibility.